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It was an experience of a lifetime for those fortunate enough to attend the Military Tattoo at RCTC which was organized as part of 51st Vijay Diwas celebrations by the Indian Army on 15 December. Lt Gen RP Kalita, UYSM, AVSM, SM, VSM,Army Commander Eastern Command, was the chief guest for the event. The event was also witnessed by Senior military, civiliandignitaries and guests from Bangladesh. This grand even was open to public and saw a huge turnout of people from across the city and state. 

This event showcased the various military skills of the Army that are generally not displayed for the common public. The audience was dazzled with fly Past by Su 30 fighter aircraft of Indian Air Force. The Dhruv, Rudra and Cheetah Helicopter of Indian Army carried out mock strafing runs and insertion of Special Forces team with equipment. The dare devil Sky Divers who jumped from 12,000 feet and landed with pin point precision were a sight to behold. 

Display by Paramotor team was appreciated for their deft handling of the flying machines. The horse show included tent pegging and cavalry charge by Army riders and horses. The dog show entertained the audience with their skill in IED 
detection and discipline. Cultural art forms of Jhanj Patak- Malkham and Kalari Payattu was also performed as reminder that Indian Army has maintained bond with its traditional roots. The moves, twists, turns and unstoppable energy of Jhanj Patak created a lively and festive environment. Army soldiers who performed Kalari Payattu showcased the ancient Indian Martial Arts that originated in Kerala. It is the oldest surviving martial arts in the world and it includes strikes, kicks, grappling and sword fighting. The event culminated with a massed band display in which military tunes were played while the band also carried out marching. It was definitely a memorable afternoon for all spectators who were left with a lasting impression of skills and capability of its armed forces. 
Photos and videos: Suvendu Das 

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