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The Hon’ble Raksha Mantri, Shri Rajnath Singh today inaugurated and dedicated 28 
infrastructure Projects to the Nation at a cost of Rs 724 Cr. In 2021, 102 BRO infrastructure 
projects were dedicated to the Nation at a cost of Rs 2229 Cr. 75 Infrastructure Projects of the 
BRO costing Rs 2173 Cr have already been dedicated to the Nation by Hon’ble Raksha Mantri from Shyok village in Ladakh on 28 Oct 2022 making a total of 103 infrastructure projects in 
2022 at a total cost of Rs 2897 Cr.
In a ceremony organised by the Border Roads Organisation at Siyom Bridge on Along￾Yinkiong Road in Arunachal Pradesh, the Hon’ble Raksha Mantri inaugurated 22 Bridges, 03 Roads and 03 other miscellaneous projects. TheseInfrastructure Projects have been constructed under challenging weather conditions at most inhospitable terrain locations.
Notably, BRO completed the construction of these critical strategic projects in record time 
frame and many of these Projects have been constructed in a single working season using 
state-of-the-art technology. Out of these projects, 8 have been constructed in UT of Ladakh, 4 in UT of Jammu and Kashmir, 5 in Arunachal Pradesh, 3 each in Sikkim, Punjab and Uttarakhand and 2 in Rajasthan.
The highlight of the event was inauguration of state of the art “100 meter long, Class 70 Steel 
Arch Superstructure Siyom Bridge on Along-Yinkiong Road over Siyom River in 
Arunachal Pradesh”. This signature bridge is of strategic importance to our Defence Forces 
and will facilitate speedy induction of troops, heavy equipment and mechanised vehicles to 
forward areas of Upper Siang district, Tuting and Yinkiong Region and will also boost socio￾economic development of the region.
Hon’ble Raksha Mantri also inaugurated 03 telemedicine nodes one at Mizoram and two in 
the UT of Ladakh. On 06 Sep 2022 a MoU was signed between Development and Education 
Communication Unit (DECU), ISRO and Border Roads Organisation at DECU, ISRO Ahmedabad for establishment of such nodes. The three Telemedicine nodes, one each at remote & difficult locations of Project Pushpak, Vijayak & Himank in Mizoram and Ladakh respectively will now be connected through VSAT to Service hospitals. It will provide prompt medical intervention for medical & surgical emergencies through Telemedicine consultation with specialists at Service hospitals using SATCOM VSAT communication. This is one of the unique achievements for BRO in providing medical services to its personals in remote border locations through use of space technology
Hon’ble Raksha Mantri also released a Compendium on New Technologies. “The New 
Technology Compendium” incorporates the latest technologies being adopted by BRO in 
construction of roads, bridges, airfields and tunnel infrastructure to negate the effects of remote and hostile terrain with adverse weather condition which unduly affects the quality of civil 
engineering works and meeting the timelines of completion of the projects. With higher thrust 
on infrastructure development over the last couple of years, new and emerging technologies 
are reshaping the dynamics of road construction. Successful implementation of some of the 
new construction technologies across various projects are Cementitious bases for surfacing 
work of roads, use of geo cells, plastic coated aggregates for bituminous works, use of M-50 
grade inter locking concrete blocks in pavements, soil stabilization using geo-synthetic materials, pre-cast concrete technology for construction of retaining walls and culverts, drains, RE walls, pavement panels, carbon neutral habitats, use of steel slag in road construction, 
white topping for rehabilitation of roads, Carbon Neutral Habitat, 3-D Printed buildings etc. For 
the first time, BRO is using LITHELYARCH® Technology - Patented Technology for Pre￾cast Cut & Cover Technology for construction of a Cut & Cover tunnel in Ladakh. These areas of modernisation and use of new technologies, equipment and innovative ideas implemented by the BRO have been deliberated upon in the Compendium of New Technologies.

BRO’s surge in road and bridge construction in the last two years has led to completion of 
many critical and strategic projects which has bolstered our defence preparedness vis a vis 
that of our adversaries. The BRO has also connected the farthest and most remote villages of the country like Huri Village in Arunachal Pradesh to the main land. This connectivity has 
triggered reverse migration in these areas. Population increase is being witnessed in these 
areas with the commencement of basic amenities like schooling facilities & Primary Health Care Centres, electric supply and employment opportunities.Speaking on the occasion, Hon’ble Raksha Mantri, Shri Rajnath Singh lauded BRO’s commitment towards establishing connectivity in far-flung areas by ensuring timely completion of these roads & bridges. He mentioned that in 2021, BRO completed 102 infrastructure projects and in 2022 alongwith these 28 infra projects BRO has dedicated a record 103 infrastructure projects to the Nation. He appreciated the feat of construction of these 28 infrastructure projects at such an expeditious pace during this year. He mentioned that such performance by the BRO is unprecedented and is a reflection of the grit and determination of the entire Border Roads Organisation under the stellar leadership of Lt Gen Rajeev Chaudhry, VSM, DG Border Roads. 
He also lauded BRO’s effort of always being at the forefront in introducing latest technologies 
which are not only environment friendly but also cost effective. He mentioned that as BRO 
works in harsh and extreme conditions of temperature and terrain, these innovations have 
contributed towards resolution of many construction problems that have been affecting the roads being constructed on our borders.
He expressed his admiration with the organisation’s history of achieving excellence and reaffirmed the Government’s resolve to ensure better infrastructure development in border 
areas keeping in view the Nation’s security needs. He expressed his confidence in BRO’s 
contribution to Nation building by promoting enhanced defence preparedness & ushering 
economic development in Border States through improved connectivity despite tremendous 
challenges of terrain & weather condition.

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