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February 14, 1951 that the tricolour was hoisted for the first time at Tawang by Major Bob Khating.

Tawang Celebrates Major Bob Khating Day

Indian Armed Forces, Tawang Administration and the locals of Tawang came together to commemorate the 74th Maj Bob Khathing Day on 14 Feb 24 at Tawang War memorial complex at the border town in Arunachal Pradesh.

The celebrations attended by military officers from Tawang Brigade, senior officials from state administration, students, community leaders, Army Veterans and Monks were marked by patriotic fervour and enthusiasm. The proceedings, commencing with customary Wreath Laying, included unfurling of tricolour and performances by students and local artists.
In the aftermath of India's independence, Major Bob Khating was entrusted with the monumental task of establishing Indian administration in remote Tawang region. It was on 14 February in 1951, the tricolour was hoisted for the first time at Tawang by Maj Bob Khating, the appointed Assistant Political Officer, heralding establishment of Indian Administration at Tawang.

 The same materialized after the valiant Major undertook a treacherous march from plains of Assam to Tawang, negotiating Sela and Bomdila passes during peak winters, leading a contingent of 200 Assam Rifles troops and 600 porters for a difficult maiden mission ,thus materialized the formal establishment of Indian Civil Administration at Tawang. 

Armed with unwavering resolve and diplomatic finesse, he navigated the treacherous terrain of the Himalayas, bridging divides and fostering trust among the local populace. Through tireless negotiations and genuine empathy, Major Khating seamlessly integrated Tawang into the Indian Union, laying the foundations for governance and development. His strategic leadership and commitment to unity ensured a smooth transition, earning him the respect and admiration of all. Today, Tawang stands as a shining testament to Major Bob Khating's indomitable spirit and visionary leadership.

Ever since then, the Day is celebrated annually with great fervour and enthusiasm by Indian Armed forces, Tawang Administration and the locals. Major Bob Khating is revered not just for his remarkable achievements, but also for his enduring legacy of peace, unity, and nation-building.

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