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Tawang commemorated Major Bob Khating Day with a ceremony near the Tawang War Memorial.

Major Ralengnao Bob Khathing was one of the most prominent heroes of India whose immense contribution towards nation building and ensuring its integrity continues to motivate the present and future generations. In his remarkable career as a teacher, soldier, civil servant, political leader and diplomat, he shattered many glass celings along the way through his career achievements. He served in British Army, fought World War - Il and was
awarded the *Military Cross* for his valour. After Independence of the country, he joined Assam Rifles and later the erstwhile Indian Frontier Administration Services. 
The dedicated son of North East used his diplomatic skills to win over the locals of Tawang, liberate them from the tyrannical exploitation and successfully integrated Tawang, into the folds of India. His yeoman service in the state of Arunachal Pradesh has been etched in the glorious history of India. The state in recognition of his efforts conferred him with *Arunachal Ratan*, the highest award of the state. He was awarded the *Padma Shri* for his selfless service and patriotism in 1957.

The Indian Army and the local population celebrated *"Bob Khathing Day"* at Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh, on 14 Feb 2025 to honour and pay homage to the icon who devoted his life for unity, welfare and progress of our beloved country. Local dignitaries including DC Tawang, Gaon Budhas (Village Elders), Ex- Servicemen, soldiers from Army, SSB, ITBP, NCC cadets, Monks from various monasteries and School Children attended this function and paid their homage.

The programme commenced with wreath-laying at Maj Bob Khathing Museum.
Thereafter, welcome song was presented by a local youth. Talks by school children on the life and achievements of Bob Khathing who had whole heartedly participated in Bob Khathing Declamation Competition captivated the audience and locals of Tawang. The talks instilled a sense of pride and patriotism in the school children which was followed by a patriotic song. Cdr Tawang Bde, and DC addressed the gathering, and the event culminated with a group photograph & tea.

Patriots will always think about the development of the country and are ready to defend it against enemies, and the locals of Tawang and Arunachal Pradesh have always stood and will continue to be shoulder to shoulder with the armed forces, so that we are together able to deal with any situation that comes our way.

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